
How to Setup AMPScript Unsubscribe in Salesforce Marketing Cloud
If you are looking for a simple unsubscribe process for you customers in SFMC, you can achieve this using AMPScript subscribe. Learn more.

How to Use Regular Expression in Eloqua to Format Phone numbers
If you need to include country codes on your phone numbers, I will show you how to use regular expression in Eloqua to format your data.

How to Report on Dynamic Content in Eloqua
If you have wondered how to report on dynamic content in Eloqua, then this article will walk you through the steps needed for better insight

How to Automate Customer Ring-fencing for Segmentation in Eloqua
One of the clients I worked for had been using Shared Lists as an exclusion method for their campaigns for a while now. They would add contacts to a list as a ring-fence and remove them after a period of 1, 3, or 6 months manually. What was required was an automated...

ROT Encryption
If you are looking for a simple text based encryption, ROT encryption might the option for you. Quickly swap letters in the alphabet